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Landis+Gyr’s China Sales Surge 33% in 2007

Landis+Gyr China is maintaining its leading role in one of the world's most competitive markets. The strategy of having a strong national sales and service network is paying off with several contracts, including major projects in Liaoning and Guandong, won against up to 40 local competitors.

Vibrant in China
Sixty to seventy million meters are sold throughout China every year, with fierce bidding for every project. What is completely different in China from the rest of the world is the number of companies that bid for metering contracts. In some cases up to 30 or 40 local suppliers bid for a project.

Yet Landis+Gyr is up to the challenge. The country has thirty two provinces and thirty different markets, each with its own requirements and peculiarities, which present many challenges. However, each month Landis+Gyr secures new and important contracts across this huge developing meter market, even in the face of this stiff competition.

On a winner
For example, Landis+Gyr secured a large contract with Liaoning Power Company. It is supplying the utility with 1,000 ZMH meters, 40,000 CN1000 meters and 100 Load Management Terminals. Also, in Guangdong Landis+Gyr supplied 4,230 ZMD and 49,100 CN1000 meters, winning the contract over twenty other companies. This helped it maintain its leading position in the province with an installed base of 120,000 ZxD and 1,450,000 Ferraris meters.

Strength to strength
From Shanghai to Beijing and from Shandong to Guangxi, Landis+Gyr is pursuing a strategy of national sales backed with a national service network. The company has had 33 percent growth in China over the last year, bringing it closer to becoming market leader.