/* Google Search Console and Analytics Verification */ Landis+Gyr edasYs, advanced metering for small-scale systems just got better - Landis+Gyr

Landis+Gyr edasYs, advanced metering for small-scale systems just got better

Landis+Gyr edasYs 1.2 makes specialized AMR systems for small scale applications even better and more user-friendly. System performance has been greatly increased, with shorter data collection intervals (as low as three minutes), faster report generation and management, and an improved user interface. Now edasYs also supports the internet tool www100 from Landis+Gyr.

Easy to add more meters, including from different manufacturers and using different energy sources, even connecting to multi-energy meters, edasYs 1.2 is now more versatile than ever before.

Finely tuned for faster and more efficient installation, edasYs can be set up by anyone, not requiring IT-project management. It is also possible to run the program from any drive on a given computer, which is important in companies with very strict rules about what drives programs can be installed on.

You can experience the increased performance of the system with a 90 day evaluation license with access to all functions.

For further information on the edasYs 1.2 please contact your local Landis+Gyr representative.