/* Google Search Console and Analytics Verification */ Gridstream AIM System Administration - Landis+Gyr
Site: France ModificationFermer

Gridstream AIM System Administration

The participants learn to monitor, to control and to maintain the aim system based on different use cases and business functions.
Participants will know some system basics like start/stop aim, language settings, time settings, user and meter definitions. In addition the AIM licensing concept will be shown. Participants will be able to define and control all the related Java and Perl settings. Participants will know more about some aim related Oracle topics. Participants know more about Com Monitoring and Trouble Shooting like modem definition in windows. They will be able to execute the PSTN, GSM, GPRS, TCP/IP definition. Participants will know to analyze some log information from the different modules, the database and the related services. Participants will know the periodic jobs that a system administrator has to do.


1 day


EUR 670.- / CHF 800.-